Take action add your voice for the Health Baraza Data Governance Manifesto in Tanzania

Defining the Health Data Governance Manifesto Tanzania


The Health Data Governance Manifesto development in  Tanzania.

In advocating for a health data governance framework, Imara Leadership Initiative (ILI) Tanzania in partnership with Transform Health is conducting a survey to health workers, civil society representatives, parliamentarians  young people, and the broader community in Tanzania to help shape the Health Data Governance Manifesto development in Tanzania as part of the ‘My Data, Our Health  a global campaign led by community based organizations, to raise awareness and galvanize action on the issue of health data, and to encourage a public and political conversation around questions of health data collection and use.

The manifesto shall serve as a guiding document to call for action and inform the government of the United Republic of  Tanzania on the need to prioritize digital health and health data governance which are important accelerators and components for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to be achieved by 2030. Their vital role must be prioritized as part of UHC discussions and 2023 offers an important opportunity to ensure this happens with the 76th World Health Assembly in May 2023 , the High-level meeting on UHC in September 2023, and the G20 , which has already identified digital health as a driver of Universal Health Coverage.

It is against this background that Imara Leadership Initiative is developing the manifesto , A  document that will create advocate for a national call to action to Define the Health Data Governance in the United Republic of Tanzania in line with the Health Data Governance Principles, the Transform Health’s asks for the World Health Assembly , UHC High level meeting and G20.
Add your voice and help define the manifesto through the survey form here

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