
Good Governance

We support emerging corporate and young leaders to stand on a foundation of solid governance principles and have a clear mission and vision for the future and align public and private sector development agenda. Through  trainings, workshops and mentorship programmes, we build capacity of emerging leaders to identify and overcome bottlenecks in the delivery of leadership in the socio-economic and political space to drive impact through:

  • Leadership Coaching
  • Peer to Peer Learning
  • Research and Training
  • Electoral and Voting Process Oversight 
  • Democracy Dialogues

Health Promotion

At the community and national level, we work with a wide range of people including health professionals, locally elected community leaders, religious leaders , policy makers , parliamentarians and health stakeholders at national and international level to address health challenges that affect the communities through:

  • My Health My Value project focused on promoting sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) and addressing stigma toward HIV/AIDs
  • My Data, Our Health Campaign where we raise awareness on health data governance
  • Mental Health and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) advocacy project
  • Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) outreach activities.
  • Promoting an end to Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) through campaigns

Gender Equality

Through the Voice Out Against Gender-Based Violence project’. In the Swahili context, it translates to Paza Sauti Dhidi ya Ukatili wa Kijinsia. We work to address gender-based violence to children, young girls and women affected by:

  • Early child forced marriages
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM) 
  • Gender targeted human rights violation and Hate speech
  • Online gender targeted violence
  • Domestic Violence – By empowering girls and women, particularly GBV survivors and girls at risk access education and know their rights

Climate Action

The Climate crisis affects socio- political and economic welfare of people that includes health , gender , migration , trade and had been fueled by an untenable status quo ,we work to promote climate action and build resilient systems to safeguard a climate safer world for all through:

  • Raising awareness on impacts and mitigation actions caused by climate change
  • Promoting green solutions at country and international levels
  • Outreach activities on Habitat and biodiversity restoration
  • Art and Climate Action

Peace building

Through projects at border communities, we work to resolve current conflicts and prevent future conflicts by addressing the causes through capacity building initiatives that are instrumental to promote peace and security through:

  • Cross-border advocacy works on peace and security
  • Conducting Peace Forums
  • Addressing forced displacement
  • Promoting nationality rights for people affected by conflicts
  • Training on conflict management; conflict resolution and transformation, and post-conflict reconciliation